Mission & Vision


At P.S./M.S. 207, we ensure that all students are engaged in rigorous, high quality instruction in an engaging, challenging, inspiring and supportive learning environment. Students take ownership of their learning and staff promotes the success of every student by establishing a nurturing school culture with high expectations that is conducive to student agency. Ongoing professional learning leads to professional growth and adult learning to strengthen the integration of culturally responsive and social emotional academic learning in every classroom. In partnership with the community, all students become compassionate and resilient life-long learners who lead the way to success. 


Through equitable and rigorous instruction and high expectations in a welcoming and affirming environment, all students at P.S./M.S. 207 are empowered to develop their full potential to become agentic, passionate lifelong learners and leaders. 


In alignment with the Chancellor’s Priorities, the Instructional Leadership Framework and District 27’s  Vision and Mission,


We continue to raise the level of academic rigor, and triangulate data to inform instructional decision making and monitor the progress of student outcomes,


Students will gain access to rigorous, relevant, high-quality instruction that strengthens the instructional core and promotes student agency.



Build teacher capacity to plan and implement rigorous instruction in literacy and mathematics and leverage data to ground and refine instructional practices across all grade levels.


Intentional Planning and Coherent Instruction

Rigorous and Relevant Instruction

Applying Deep Knowledge of Content & Pedagogy

Learning Targets & Co-constructed Success Criteria

Small group differentiated instruction

Progress Monitoring & Data-driven Instruction

Engagement & Tasks of High Cognitive Demand

Productive Struggle/Conceptual Understanding

Student Agency & HIGH Expectations


Leader in Me and the 7 Habits


Book of the Month

Virtue of the Month

Leader of the Month

SEALed with a Kiss

207 School Pledge

Social Emotional Academic Learning

Diversity, Inclusion & Equity for ALL